Modified: June 29, 2021 1:59pm

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ERIE COUNTY, NY – The Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) is providing an update on COVID-19 data for the week ending June 26, 2021.

For the week ending June 26, 2021, ECDOH received reports for 49 new COVID-19 cases among Erie County residents. This is an increase of four cases over the previous week’s total of 45 cases. The COVID-19 case rate of 5.3 cases per 100,000 residents in the past seven days for the week ending June 26 is a very slight increase over the previous week’s case rate of 4.9. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) set a case rate threshold of less than 10 for a community to be considered in a “low transmission” level.

In contrast to recent weeks, when approximately half of new cases were associated with city of Buffalo residents, 25% of new cases last week reside in the city of Buffalo. 28% of county residents live in the city of Buffalo. The 14150 ZIP code had five cases last week; all other ZIP codes in Erie County had fewer than five cases, or no cases.

All age categories have a seven-day COVID-19 case rate of under 15 cases per 100,000 persons. The only age group with a COVID-19 case rate of more than 10 per 100,000 persons over seven days was the 20-29 age group with a case rate of 10. All age categories had a positivity percentage under 1%. There were six COVID-19 cases reported in Erie County last week among residents age 70 and older. The 20-29-year-old age group had the most COVID-19 cases last week, with 13 cases.

Diagnostic COVID-19 test reports declined again last week from previous weeks, with about 15,500 tests. ECDOH and health care providers within Erie County still have substantial diagnostic testing capacity. People who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, regardless of vaccination status, should strongly consider a diagnostic COVID-19 test. Free tests are available through ECDOH by calling 716-858-2929 to schedule an appointment. 

With 17 COVID-19 hospitalizations reported in Erie County for June 27, 2021, hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Erie County have declined to the lowest reported levels since these data have been tracked. [See chart at end of release]. 

ECDOH is reporting COVID-19 mortality data. ECDOH received reports of three deaths associated with COVID-19 in the past seven days. Total COVID-19-related deaths from March 2020 to June 24, 2021 now stand at 1,919, with 643 reported in 2021. Of the 181 reported COVID-19 associated deaths in April, May and June 2021 through June 24, 47% resided in a Buffalo city ZIP code, and 96% (174) of these deaths were in persons who were not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to infection.

Additional data, including vaccination estimates by ZIP code, are posted to the ECDOH web site. The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) updates vaccination data by demographics, by county and by ZIP code. From NYSDOH data, as of June 29, 2021, 37.2% of 12-15-year-olds and 47.7% of 16-17-year-olds in Erie County have at least one vaccine dose. Also, through June 28, 2021, 54% of all Erie County residents have completed a COVID-19 vaccine series, and 62% of all eligible residents (ages 12 and older) have completed a COVID-19 vaccine series.

As noted in a press release on Friday, June 25,  there were 733 reported “breakthrough” COVID-19 cases among 429,439 fully vaccinated Erie County residents from January 18, 2021 until June 16, 2021. For every 10,000 vaccinated Erie County residents, 17 had a confirmed positive COVID-19 test result (0.17%). This is comparable to the estimated statewide breakthrough percentage of 0.15%. These data provide additional evidence that the available COVID-19 vaccines work and have a strong protective benefit for fully vaccinated people.

ECDOH has an active schedule of COVID-19 vaccine clinics, listed at, and will also vaccinate any eligible Erie County resident at their home. Call (716) 858-2929 for the “Vax Visit” program.

Chart: Erie County Hospitalization Data, last four weeks (May 30-June 27, 2021)

Data Source: New York State Department of Health and Erie County hospitals

