CRIMESTOPPERS: Call 716-867-6161 or visit their web site to make an anonymous tip. Call 9-1-1 for emergencies or crimes in process
If your loved one is in crisis and has access to guns, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of gun-related injuries or death.
Crisis Services Hotline: 716-834-3131 (24/7)
Safe Storage:
The Suicide Prevention Coalition of Erie County has a map with firearm storage options.
Watch the video from Crisis Services that explains how to use the map’s resources.
The U.S. Department of Justice released a Safe Storage of Firearms guide in January 2024.
Extreme Risk Protective Orders
- Johns Hopkins University - NYS Summary
- Johns Hopkins University - Promising Approaches for Implementing Extreme Risk Laws - for Practitioners and Policy Makers
- Everytown for Gun Safety - Extreme Risk Orders Save Lives
People able to request an ERPO in New York State include include law enforcement officers, district attorneys, family or household members (including persons related by blood or marriage, current or former spouses, persons with a child in common, household members, and persons in an intimate relationship), and in certain situations, school administrators or their designee, and health care practitioners.
Safety Education
Eddie Eagle, National Rifle Association
Hunter Education Courses, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Erie County Department of Health
- Stop the Bleed & Hands-only CPR - email
- Mental Health First Aid (youth and adult)
BRAVE: Buffalo Rising Against Violence (at Erie County Medical Center), Bedside program to support individuals injured through violence and connect patients with SNUG resources. 716-898-6461
Bullet Points Project – for clinicians and medical educators
New York State Department of Health - Office of Gun Violence Prevention
SNUG (Should Never Use Guns): SNUG programs work with victims of community violence and specialize in gun and gang violence. (716) 319-0891
Suicide Prevention Coalition of Erie County
Clinical and Academic Resources
American Academy of Pediatrics Gun Safety Policy Statement and Technical Report
HAVI, Health Alliance for Violence Intervention
Johns Hopkins University - Center for Gun Violence Solutions
Northwell's Center for Gun Violence Prevention
University of Michigan Institute for Firearm Injury Prevention
University of Michigan School of Public Health Youth Violence Prevention Center