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Training Academy

Joseph Strano, Director

The Law Enforcement Training Academy became fully operational on January 1, 1974. Since that time the Academy has provided a full range of law enforcement training to all agencies in Erie County, from Basic Police Training to in-service and specialized training programs. Additionally, we extend our training services to all law enforcement agencies outside of Erie County on a space available basis.

The Academy moved to Erie Community College North Campus in August of 2002.This new location provides additional space, smart classrooms, use of the college's resources and ample parking. Our mailing address is:

CPS Law Enforcement Training Academy

ECC North Campus

6205 Main Street (B-714)

Williamsville, New York 14221.

Our phone number is:


Our fax number is:


Our staff consists of both full time and part time personnel. The instructional staff is supplemented by numerous outside instructors who bring experience and topical expertise to our programs. Instructors are drawn from law enforcement (Federal, State, County, City, Town and Village); the legal community (Federal, State, County and private practice); community service organizations; and private industry. The diversity of the instructors insures the highest level of expertise in every area of instruction.

The primary responsibility of our training is the presentation of the Basic Police Course. Two (2) Basic Courses are presented each year. The Course Curriculum fully complies with New York State requirements as mandated by the Municipal Police Training Council. At present, New York State requires a minimum of 510 hours of training in the Basic Course. The CPS Academy courses have been averaging around 830 hours. All of the topics presented meet, and in most cases, exceed, New York State requirements. Additionally, all proficiency skill areas of training (Firearms, Arrest Techniques, Police Driving, Use of Force Issues, etc.) have passing requirements higher than state requirements.

The Academy also presents a wide range of training programs in addition to Basic Training, such as Basic Supervisors Course, Instructor Development, Radar Operator, Breathalyzer Operator, Accident Investigation, Armorers Courses and proficiency recertifications, just to name a few. A full listing of our course offerings is prepared annually and is updated quarterly. The Course Schedule is available to all law enforcement agencies. Please contact us for a copy if you do not already receive one.

The Mission of Erie County Central Police Services Training Academy is to enhance public safety in our community through programs that emphasize ethics, excellence, professionalism, and current "best practices" in our field for entry level and veteran public safety professionals.