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EMS Speaker Series

Current Speaker Schedule

All presentations are free to attend, but please register so that we can have an accurate head count for the event and so that we can prepare your CME certificate of attendance. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for topics.

Status Presentation Title Description Speaker Location Date Times Register
Open How to Handle Medical Emergencies Associated with Hazmat This class is designed to satisfy firefighter's annual OSHA requirements for a hazmat refresher. We will discuss scene size-up and the difference of handling a medical emergency associated with a hazmat situation. It is not the same as other EMS calls. Alex Doll, Erie County Deputy Fire Coordinator Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Wed: 2/5/2025 6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open Introduction to Rescue Medic This lecture will provide an in-depth review of some of the most common medical complaints found at the scene of a technical rescue, including but not limited to MCI triage, hypothermia, crush syndrome, asphyxiation, and field amputation; will also review appropriate NYS Protocols and their application to these scenarios Dr. Andrew Poreda, Clinical Assistant Professor, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Dual Board Certified Emergency Medicine & EMS Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Wed: 3/5/2025 6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open Active Shooter Response This course will discuss how a rescue task force integrates with law enforcement. We will go over basic treatments for patients and tactics for being part of an "RTF". We will also discuss the incident command structure, with each position's role and responsibility. Alex Doll, Erie County Deputy Fire Coordinator Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Wed: 3/12/2025 6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open First Responder Health/Wellness Coming Soon Phil Ryan Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Wed: 4/30/2025 6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open The Hidden Truth About Strangulation: An Urgent 
Public Health Crisis
Catherine Miles- Kania, CEO  for the Family Justin Center of Erie County, present alarming data pertaining to the increasing number of strangulations, severity of injuries, detection and lack thereof, along with sharing information on further awareness, prevention and steering the public to proper forensic care and services. Catherine Miles-Kania, CEO for the Family Justice Center Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Wed: 5/14/2025 6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open EMS Guide to Dementia: Best Practices for Emergency Calls This PowerPoint presentation equips EMS professionals with essential knowledge and skills for managing emergency call involving individuals with dementia. It covers the mission and resources of the Center of Excellence for Alzheimer's Disease (CEAD), understanding dementia, recognizing its signs in the field, and overcoming challenges during EMS calls. The presentation includes real-life dispatch scenarios, effective communication strategies, non-pharmacological management of Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD), and legal considerations, including advanced directives. Rachel Salvaggio, LCSW UBMD Neurology Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Wed: 5/21/2025 6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open Pediatric Trauma Dr. Andrew Nordin, Medical Director for Pediatric Trauma and Benjamin Kasper, BS, AEMTP, CPSTI for John
R Oishei Children's Hospital present an overview of pediatric trauma and discuss how the trauma system operates within WNY.
Dr. Andrew Nordin, Medical Director, Pediatric Trauma & Benjamin Kasper, BS, AEMTP, CPSTI, John R Oishei Children's Hospital Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open Tactical Paramedicine Coming soon Daniel McCarthy, Deputy Sheriff ECSO Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open Stroke Care Coming soon Catholic Health System Kaleida Health Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open Burn Review and Treatment Audrey A Hoerner MS, CBRN, NP and Unit Manager at the Roger W Seibel Burn Treatment Center at ECME will present an overview of prehospital care, hospital care, and follow up care, getting in touch with the burn clinic and transfers to ECMC for treatment in the burn unit. Audrey A Hoerner MS, CBRN, Nurse Practitioner/Unit Manager, Roger W Seibel Burn Treatment Center, ECMC Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open Care of The STEMI Patient Coming soon Dr Michael Mangione,
System Medical Director-
TeamHealth Emergency Medicine, CHS Associate Chair of Emergency Medicine
Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open OB/Delivery in The Field Coming soon Michelle Szefler, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, Obstetrical Outreach Coordinator, John R Oishei Children's Hospital Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event
Open De-escalation Coming soon Daniel McCarthy, Deputy Sheriff, ECSO Erie County Training & Operations Center Room 113
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY 14227
6:30PM-8:30PM Register for this event

General Contact

Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) 
Division of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 
3359 Broadway 
Cheektowaga, NY14227 
Office: (716) 681-6070
