Complete Section 1-Host Details, Section 2-Course Details and either Section 3a for Night (Evening) Courses -OR- Section 3b for Daytime Courses. Read All notes.
Course Number | Course Name | Student Hours | Course Record Number
1. Consider seasonal weather conditions when requesting the start date of courses that include outdoor hands-on exercises and/or live fire attack. County outdoor facilities are closed 11/1-4/30.
2. Attn: Course Hosts - All students (including course host) must pre-register for all courses by completing a Training Course Application and returning it to this office by the scheduled course registration deadline.
3. As course host, a certain number of seats are reserved for your agency based on the number of students you indicate above as “guaranteed to attend from your fire department.” These seats will remain reserved for one week following the original course schedule announcement, at which time they will be made available to the general fire service population.
4. Please coordinate with your local fire chiefs’ organization and neighboring fire departments – they may be requesting the same course at the same time. Consider joint hosting of a course in a round-robin arrangement where the course is hosted at different fire stations for different units of the course.
5. Indicating a preferred instructor does not guarantee your choice will be selected to teach. Instructors are subject to course instruction qualification and availability.
6. Return this form in person, via US mail, e-mail or fax to: Erie County Fire Safety Office - FAX/681-3645. Contact this office by phone at: 716/681-7111 or via e-mail at: should you have any questions.