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Credentialing/Accountability Program

Credentialing of Emergency Response Personnel


The purpose of credentialing is to ensure and easily validate the identity, affiliation, skill set, and/or privileges of an individual. Credentialing is critical to the incident management community so it can plan for, request, and trust resources needed for emergency assistance, plus receive personnel resources that match requests, and appropriately manage officially dispatched responders.

NIMS Compliance

NIMS credentialing provides confidence that both the requester and supplier are using the same criteria to identify personnel and alleviate this one concern when communities are struggling with the effects of a disaster. Incidents can range from large-scale terrorist attacks to catastrophic natural disasters that require interstate and intrastate deployments of mutual aid.

How it Works

These photo IDs are color coded to provide readily visible qualifications and provide enhanced card security using the addition of our unique holographic laminate. Additional features include a front and back barcode embedded with personal and medical data.

Homeland Security with the collaboration of various Erie County Fire Companies spent many months designing the ID Tag. The colors and designations have been pre-set by PSAP and/or mutual aid partners. These cards go a long way in authenticating a responder's identity and qualifications, plus it is ideal for accountability purposes.

An example of ID Tag fire service colors are as follows:

ID program description

Credential Characteristics

The following items will be included on the credential:

  • Name of Fire Company
  • Fire company logo
  • Photo
  • Name
  • Title
  • Fire Dept ID number
  • Hazmat level
  • EMS level-will indicate the member’s EMS level as defined by NYS
  • Embedded security laminate to prevent counterfeiting

Law Enforcement and Emergency Management colors can be modified and discussed with agencies upon request.

Steps to get started

  1. Designate a company/department POC to manage credentialing.
  2. Complete an ID Tags service request online or email with the following information:
  3. Name
  4. Company/Department Name
  5. Email address
  6. Cell Phone Number

Please send a JPEG Graphic of your Logo to 

Upon receipt, your company/department will be assigned a user name and password to access the website to input your applications. 

Upon receipt of applications by Emergency Services Staff, cards will be printed and POC will be contacted for delivery/pick up.

Questions/clarifications can be directed to and ESU Staff will be more than happy to assist.

Submit this form to request Credentials/Accountability/ID Tags
