The following internet mapping sites have been developed by the Office of GIS:
- Erie County Interactive Mapping Viewer
- Erie County Interactive Mapping Viewer (alternative site) - This is an optional site that contains all the data as the original Erie County viewer but does not have all of the same functionality. Users can employ this viewer if they are encountering difficulties in the main site.
- WNY Stormwater Coalition Outfall Locator
- Town of Holland GIS Viewer
The following Erie County municipalities have independent internet mapping sites:
Erie County also hosts an internet mapping application that was developed for use by Erie and Niagara Counties, area municipalities, regional organizations, and developers to review projects within the context of the Framework for Regional Growth Policy Areas.
Launch the Erie-Niagara Planning & Development Mapping Website (Geocortex)
or the alternate version: Erie-Niagara Planning & Development Mapping Website (