To add your name to the County vendor list just fill out the vendor application (This is a PDF file, viewable with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click Here for a free download). The application asks general information, including what products or services you may have to sell the County. Please review the commodity list carefully and indicate which products and/or services you would be interested in supplying. Send the completed application by mail to our postal address or fax it to Purchasing at 858-6465.
When we receive your application, we will send you a detailed item list for each commodity category you checked. You will be asked to indicate the specific items you can supply and to return the lists to the Division of Purchase. Vendors who fail to return this application will not be established on the County's bid list.
Once you are on the list, you may receive unsolicited requests for bids and quotations for items you indicated you supply. Please respond to all written bids and quotes with a price offer or, if you are not interested, a "no bid". Answering our correspondence will insure that you remain on our bidder's list. When a vendor does not respond to three inquiries, the vendor may be removed from the bidder's list.