- Process Summary
- Eligibility Requirements
- Be located and provide services in Erie County
- Be a 501(c)(3) organization with tax-exempt status (must be able to provide one (1) year of the required financial documents including record of tax filing, and information as a 501c3 organization)*
- Have at least ONE of the following descriptions of a Cultural Organization as a primary mission of the organization**:
- An organization that operates on a countywide or recognizable community level, which by the nature of its cultural activities and/or collections, is unique, distinctive and of significant quality
- An organization that provides visitors with access to programs and displays of the performing, visual, literary and media arts, and/or to exhibits and collections, which preserve and interpret our cultural, natural and scientific heritage
- An organization that particularly serves the cultural needs of significant segments of the County population, thereby contributing to the quality of life in Buffalo and Erie County
*Acceptable tax filings include 990, 990-EZ, and 990-N. 990-PF and other non-profit tax filings are inconsistent with the purpose and eligibility requirements.
**Organizations such as social and/or multi-service, educational, athletic, after-school, or religious organizations for which cultural activity is not a primary purpose are not eligible.
- Additional Requirements
- Applications
The process and funding structure for the Cultural Funding program was updated for the 2021 funding cycle. The changes were designed with cultural organizations in mind and seek to make the process more intuitive and less burdensome. Chief among the updates was the restructuring of the funding levels and applications. The short form and long form were eliminated and replaced by Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 forms. Level 2 and Level 3 are most similar to the old short and long form. Level 1 was new to the 2021 funding cycle. Changes for the 2022 funding cycle included a completely online application (no more fillable PDFs) and a required account registration to access the application. Additional changes include edited questions and considerations due to Covid-19 impacts, as well as three level-specific virtual applicant briefings.
The following table describes the thresholds for each level:
LEVEL* MAX . GRANT REQUEST MAX. % OF BUDGET 1 ≤$50,000 ≤20% 2 >$50,000 up to $200,000 ≤20% 3 >$200,000 No set limit however, requests greater than 20% will be detrimental to an organization’s score. * If any of these thresholds are surpassed, you must complete the next level application
The following are the expected reports according to organization budget size. However, if the organization uses a different document as recommended by their financial advisors, they may submit it in lieu of the ones listed below.
Annual Gross Revenue & Support NYS FINANCIAL REPORT ≤$250,000 Management Prepared or CPA Compiled Financial Statements >$250,000 - <$1,000,000 Independent CPA Reviewed Financial Statements ≥$1,000,000 Independent CPA Audited Financial Statements For more information on the applications, visit the Applications page
Follow these instructions before contacting us:
The only way to find out if your organization has been awarded funding for a certain year is through the Erie County Budget process. The Budget Books are available online. The Proposed Budget ("Draft") is provided by the County Executive in the fall and the Adopted Budget ("Final") is approved by the Legislature in December. Arts & Cultural Funding is located under Budget Book A: Operating Funds, under Erie County Department of Environment and Planning.
Funding Overview
General Process Dates
Each year may differ slightly.
Please review the Latest News section on the Home page, or our Facebook.com/ErieCountyDEP for information before contacting us.
Application Release | late February each year |
Applicant Briefings | Week after application release |
Level 1 Forms Due | Mid-April each year |
Level 2 and 3 Forms Due | Late April each year |
Application Review period | April - early June each year |
EACAB Recommendations to County Executive | Late July each year |
Feedback letter distribution | September each year (varies significantly) |
Proposed County Budget release | October each year |
Legislative Budget hearings | November each year |
County Budget Adoption | December each year |
Contracts Distribution | Late February - March each year |
Grants Disbursement | Summer - Fall each year |