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Erie County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD)

The Erie County COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster) was reorganized in 2023 through the efforts of Erie County and partners with the City of Buffalo, local non-profit organizations, transportation agencies and New York State. A priority and overarching goal for these partners: providing people and organizations in Erie County with the information they need to stay safe and healthy during emergencies and disaster situations, and during the recovery process. The Erie County COAD maintains a strong connection to the Erie County Medical Reserve Corps, which has clinical and non-clinical volunteers focused on emergency preparation and response.  

COAD meets regularly to share information and coordinate preparedness and education activities. When activated, before, during and after weather emergencies and disaster situations, COAD coordinates closely in real-time with the Erie County Emergency Operations Center for response and safety 

If your organization would like to learn about being involved with the Erie County COAD, email

A COAD is a collaborative network of organizations, based within a community or geographic area, composed of representatives from public, private and not-for-profit agencies.  A COAD strengthens the community’s ability to mitigate, prepare, respond and recover from disasters, ensuring that human needs in a disaster situation are evaluated and addressed. 

The Erie County COAD is focused on enhancing communication and care throughout the emergency management cycle. 

Colorful wheel with arrows going to and away from center

Coordination of Care and Services 

Drawing on the strengths of participating organizations, COAD identifies and addresses service gaps in the emergency management cycle, offers training opportunities for participants and the community, and supports emergency preparedness activities. 


COAD participants are working to define and strengthen communications roles, channels and messages to support preparedness, response and recovery. 

Community Resilience 

Erie County efforts have been driven by a singular goal of improving community resilience to protect resident health and safety before, during and after disasters and emergencies. 


Re-established in fall 2023, representatives from Erie County government, the City of Buffalo, health and human service agencies and the transportation sector, along with the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, meet twice a month. 

Participant List (2024) 

