Purpose of the CART Sector
The purpose of the CART is to:
- Provide guidance to individuals, agencies and communities on animal emergency preparedness and planning.
- Coordinate and assist in collaborative planning and response actions to address the needs of animals before, during and after emergency incidents.
- Coordinate and assist in the planning, acquisition and set up of needed resources, facilities or shelters for animal assistance and care.
- Assist agencies and jurisdictions with onsite care of animals in shelters.
Goal of the CART Sector
The goal of the CART is to ensure animals threatened or impacted by incidents receive consideration in the planning and response activities for the incident area to ensure their care and welfare are addressed.
Response actions taken to address the safety, health and welfare of the animals works to not only protect and help the animals, but also works to ensure the safety and welfare of the animal owners. When owners know that emergency assistance is being directed to their animals, they are more likely not to endanger themselves and are more willing to comply with emergency directives and actions taken by agencies and authorities.
* Deployment eligibility for tactical animal rescue operations would require completion of specified animal rescue classes.
Sector Leader Contact
Melissa Calhoun
Email: Melissa.Calhoun@erie.gov
Nicole Gerber