Legal Aid Bureau
Handles consumer problems and bankruptcy, family and domestic relations matters, landlord/tenant disputes.
Phone: (716) 853-9555
290 Main Street, Suites 300 & 400, Buffalo, NY 14202.
Center for Elder Law and Justice
Help is given without cost to seniors in Erie County for problems with: health care (Medicaid, Medicare, private health insurance, medical transportation, home health care and institutional issues); income maintenance (Social Security Retirement, SSI, Veterans Benefits, Railroad Retirement and limited consumer matters); substitute decision making (health care proxies, powers of attorney, defense of guardianship proceedings); family law (seniors raising a child under 19 who need assistance with custody/adoption/standby guardian or related public benefits); and housing (predatory lending, and mortgage foreclosure). Additional housing services are offered to low-income City of Buffalo residents (tax foreclosure, eviction, housing code violations and landlord representation in owner occupied situations).
Phone: (716) 853-3087
Neighborhood Legal Services
For low income people and for problems with SSI, Food Stamps, disability claims, handicapped rights, family law, housing for homeless and eviction matters. Help is provided at no charge.
Phone: (716) 847-0650
Volunteer Lawyer Project
Family law including divorce, custody/guardianship, housing issues such as real property matters, public and veterans benefits, civil rights/discrimination for low income individuals and small non-profits.
Phone: (716) 847-0662
Lawyer Referral Services of Erie Co. Bar Assoc.
The lawyer will charge a $20 consultation fee for the first 30-minute phone consultation or in-office meeting.
Phone: (716) 852-3100
Child and Family Services, Center for Resolution and Justice
Resolution of neighborhood, family, and other interpersonal disputes by mediation and arbitration as an alternative to court action. Disputes include harassment, assault, trespass, property damage, theft of services and non-payment of rent.
Phone: (716) 362-2323
NYS Attorney General
Contact for information on landlord/tenant problems, publications relating to seniors, filing a complaint.
Consumer Fraud Line: (716) 853-8404
CLARO Buffalo
Free, legal advice regarding collections, garnishments, and frozen bank accounts. Please call (716) 828-8432.