Get Health Insurance Help by calling 716-858-7883
We regularly hold informational events regarding your health insurance options, how to pay for Long Term Care & Health Insurance Information at community sites. For the current schedule, call (716) 858-7883.
Some Frequently Asked Questions for the Insurance Resource Center
EPIC (Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage)
Prescription Programs
HIICAP (Health Insurance Information, Counseling, and Assistance Program)
To schedule an appointment, call the Erie County Department of Senior Services (HIICAP) at (716) 858-7883.
Medicare pays for a full range of preventive services and screenings including diabetes, cardiovascular, prostate, and colorectal screenings. These screenings can help people stay healthy and detect conditions like cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease early - when treatment works best. Senior Services encourages you to speak with your doctor(s) about the preventive benefits covered by Medicare as some restrictions to coverage may apply.
The Medicare & You Handbook for 2025 is available. Includes information about how you can get the most out of your Medicare, including Medicare health and prescription drug plan choices and coverage; how to protect yourself and Medicare from fraud, background on advance directives, and resources for detailed information and personalized help. If you have any questions, or need local information that this on-line resource does not include, (printed version you received in the mail may have local info), just call HIICAP at (716) 858-7883.
Medicare Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Medicare Supplemental (Medigap) Insurance
- Privately purchased policies that cover some Medicare deductibles, co-payments, and non-covered services. Designed to supplement Medicare benefits by filling some of the gaps in Medicare
- Available only to Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B
- Any age Medicare enrollee is eligible
- 2025 Medigap Plans
Medicare Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) must have a network of providers so that enrollees can get all services within the plan, but enrollees are not required to use only network providers. Cost-sharing amounts will usually be lower when beneficiaries use network providers than when they use out-of-network providers. Premiums are usually more than HMO premiums, but less than premiums for Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigaps). They do not have to get a referral to see a specialist and they must get Part D drug coverage through the same plan.
Medicare Advantage Private Fee for Service Plans (PFFSs)
Under a Private Fee-for-Service (PFFS) plan, a person with Medicare may go to any Medicare participating medical provider or any hospital when that provider or hospital accepts the plan’s payment terms. PFFS plans also have networks of providers and are very similar to PPO plans so it may cost more for out-of-network providers and doctors. No referrals are necessary, and the plans may provide extra benefits Original Medicare doesn’t cover.
PFFS plan members should check to make sure their doctors, hospitals, and other providers will agree to treat them under the plan and that they will accept the PFFS plan’s payment terms. Prescription drug coverage (Part D) may be included in the PFFS plan, but if it is not included, a person with Medicare can also enroll in a separate stand-along Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (PDP).
Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans (SNPs)
Long-Term Care Insurance
Employer-Sponsored Retiree Health Plans
- Not available to many retirees (only about one-third of the Medicare-eligible population has employer-paid coverage after retirement)
- Plan may cover some or many of the costs Medicare does not
- Constant changes make it necessary to re-evaluate your retiree plan's cost benefits annually
- For further information call or visit your company's Employee Benefit office
Veterans' Health Benefits
- For information on veterans' health benefits and services, call the VA Health Benefits Service Center toll free at (877) 222-VETS/(877) 222-8387 or visit their website.
- TRICARE for Life Program for military retirees who have served at least 20 years. Must be registered with Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS). For information on DEERS, call toll free at (800) 538-9552.
- TRICARE Senior Pharmacy Program extends the same prescription drug coverage for those active and retired military under 65 to those 65 and older and those with Medicare. For information on the TRICARE Senior Pharmacy Program, call toll free at (877) DOD-MEDS/(877) 363-6337.
- For general information on TRICARE for Life, call toll free at (888) DOD-LIFE/(888) 363-5433.
Programs for the Uninsured
To obtain information and an application, call the Erie County Department of Senior Services at (716) 858-7883 or call toll free at (877) 9FH-PLUS/(877) 934-7587. Information can also be obtained by visiting the New York State Department of Health website.
Volunteer with HIICAP
The Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program needs volunteer counselors to help people understand health insurance options and long-term care insurance options. Training and certification is provided. Make your own hours at a senior center near you. Call RSVP at (716) 858-7548 for more information.