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Year Round Programming

The Erie County Youth Bureau invites youth serving, not-for-profit agencies and Local Youth Bureaus in Erie County to apply for grants for Year-Round youth programs. Applying for a grant involves utilization of a “Request for Proposal” (RFP) process. The RFP is announced via public notice, email, the Erie County website, and the Erie County Youth Bureau website. All important dates and deadlines are included in the RFP.

Year-Round programs generally operate during the school year, including breaks, but not the summer months, though some programs do run the entire calendar year (i.e. counseling, mentoring, etc.). Year-Round programs are funded in the following two distinct categories:

  • Youth Development Program (YDP) programs - are comprised of funded agencies that target positive youth development for ages 6-20 that focus on prioritized areas including academic enrichment, career enrichment, mentoring, counseling, youth leadership, service, and civic engagement.
  • Youth Sports and Education (YSEF) programs - serve at-risk youth ages 6-17, with the principle that sports improve the lives of young people by promoting positive social, emotional, health and educational outcomes.

The Requests for Proposal (RFPs) for YDP and YSEF for the period October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025 are being released on March 21, 2024. The due date for proposals is April 24, 2024. Late proposals will not be accepted. 

-Appendix A

-Appendix B

The Informational Meetings for RFPs 2024-011VF (YDP) and 2024-018VF (YSEF) will be held on April 4, 2024 at 11 a.m. via WEBEX. Those interested can join the meeting by registering at:

Submission of RFP proposals can be uploaded as three separate documents (Appendix A, B and C) to: OnBase Unity Form.  Choose the RFP from the drop-down list, and use the buttons at the bottom to upload each appendix.

  • Runaway Homeless Youth Agencies (RHYA) provide specific services to runaway and homeless youth including safe places, temporary lodging, transitional lodging, counseling, life skills, training, and more.

The Youth Bureau recently funded 64 YDP programs and 2 RHYA programs. A substantial portion of the Erie County Youth Bureau’s funds were distributed to agencies within the City of Buffalo, a much-needed resource in one of the poorest cities in America.

If your agency is approved for a grant from the Erie County Youth Bureau, you will be required to complete the following New York State Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) Forms: 5001, 5002, 5003, and a revised program budget (5005) reflecting your award amount, as well as an OCFS 5007 form.

  • OCFS 5001 – one-page basic program application
  • OCFS 5002 – three-page agency program profile which shows more details of the funded program
  • OCFS 5003 – six-page program component summary
  • OCFS 5007 – one-page program annual assessment

These forms, along with the related technical assistance, can be found in the “Forms” section.

Funded agencies are required to comply with OCFS and Youth Bureau policies and procedures, attend required trainings, and turn in an expenditure report (including financial backup documentation) quarterly. Funded agencies will also be monitored unannounced by Youth Bureau staff and Youth Board members.

Year Round Funding Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does our organization address NYS Touchstones for the program that we are applying for?

All programs are required to select at least one Touchstone Life Area for this proposal.  Each Life Area must be accompanied by at least one (1) Goal, one (1) Objective (maximum of two may be selected), and at least one (1) Services, Opportunities, and Supports (unlimited for this proposal, although there is maximum of two for each objective for the New York State Quality Youth Development System forms).

How are we to track youth’s advancement to the next grade level?

While each program may have its own method for tracking this, some suggestions are to develop relationships with the staff at the schools you serve, to speak with teachers or counselors about your youth, to request youth participants to bring in a copy of their report cards, a call home to parents, or having youth self-report if they have successfully moved on to the next grade level.  The Youth Bureau understands that not all agencies may be able to provide this information, and will be flexible.  Please contact the Youth Bureau Director with any concerns regarding providing this information.

What is the ECYB looking for on the calendar of events?

The calendar of events should show the type of activities the monitor(s) can expect to see when he/she visits your program.  A daily schedule could show blocks of hours for a specific type of activity (i.e. Tutoring, Mondays, 4:00-5:00 p.m.).

Has the term "Evidence Based Program" come up?

Yes, the ECYB supports programs that are based on Best Practice/Evidence Based models.

If collaborating with another agency, will it affect their application for program?

This answer is two-part:

Yes, if a collaborative is applying for programs offered at various sites that are already being funded by the ECYB, this type of request would not be approved for funding.

No, if your program is such that you provide a specific program to various agencies as an additional program to the agency’s program being applied for.

Will there be six-month contracts?

It is the Youth Bureau’s intention to provide contracts for a one-year period from January 1 to December 31. However, if no state budget is in place by the time awards are issued, six-month contracts may have to be utilized for two reasons:

  1. To avoid delaying your program’s start.
  2. To protect both the Youth Bureau and funded agencies in the event of a cut from New York State.
Should agencies complete a full year or half year budget?

All proposals should include a full-year program budget with the application. Once funds are approved, you will be required to provide two six-month budgets (one for first-half and the other for second-half).

How does an agency account for volunteer hours in the budget?

Volunteer hours should be listed as one line on the "Salaries and Wages" section at a rate which is comparable to the type of activities they would be performing.  List the total amount in the "Committed Funds" column.

How important are pending & committed funding sources for this proposal?

If the agency has other funds for which it has received or requested for this program, it must be noted in the budget section of the RFP.

Is there an amount for purchased property at which it is considered county property?

Yes, all equipment your agency requests reimbursement for that costs more than $200 and/or has a useful life cycle of more than 2 years will be considered Erie County property.

Is mileage paid to program staff reimbursable?


Our agency does not use balanced billing.  For our budget, is it acceptable to take our total yearly amount paid and divide to have an average monthly calculation?


In the budget section, do we include our request from the Erie County Youth Bureau in "Other Pending Sources"?

No, your request from the Erie County Youth Bureau is listed under "Erie County Funds Requested".

Is it necessary to breakdown basic office supplies such as paper and pens?

No, a reasonable estimate is acceptable.

Is FICA the only reimbursable fringe benefit?

No, many fringe benefits are reimbursable, which is one of the reasons why the expanded "Fringe Benefits" portion of the budget was developed - to allow our funded agencies to claim these reimbursements.  Reimbursable and non-reimbursable expenses can be found here.