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Housing Summit Registration

On October 22nd from 9:00am to 12:00pm, Erie County will be conducting the 3rd Annual Erie County Housing Summit.  Registration is required to attend.  Please fill out the information below to register.

This in-person Housing Summit will be held at the Alberta Place Senior Apartments located at: 64 Amsterdam Ave, Amherst NY 14226

Check in and registration begins at 9:00am.


Registration information
1. You are a/an
3. What type of housing do you think is most needed in your community?
4a. Is there a need for more affordable housing options in your community?
5. What obstacles may be preventing affordable housing development in your community, if any?
6. Do you think there is a need to prioritize affordable housing for one of the following populations in your community?
7. What can Erie County do to assist your community to create affordable housing opportunities?
8. Would you be willing to meet with potential developers of affordable housing projects to discuss possible options within your community?