Medicaid Utilization Review is a multi-functional team that provides medical expertise to program areas within the Erie County Department of Social Services. MUR ensures appropriate utilization of Medicaid benefits for the Restricted Recipient Program and Medicaid Disability.
The office is located in the Rath Building at 95 Franklin St., Buffalo, NY. The general information phone number is 716-858-4877. The fax number is 716-858-4875. The phone line is covered Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Callers should leave a detailed message, and your phone call will be returned.
Effective September 2014, Medicaid Utilization Review no longer handles Medical Transportation. To arrange Medicaid Medical Transportation, please contact Medical Answering Services, by phone at 1-800-651-7040, or by fax at 1-315-299-2786. Additional information is available on the website
Restricted Recipient Program:
- New York States Department of Health monitors every Medicaid recipient’s use of medical services.
- When overutilization is found, the New York State Department of Health places the recipient into this program to reduce overutilization that could negatively impact the recipient’s health and well being.
- Recipients may be required to select a primary medical doctor, pharmacy, dentist, and hospital for inpatient care.
- Primary doctors must make proper referrals to specialists for this program.
Medicaid Disability:
- MUR performs a medical evaluation in accordance with the Social Security Administration Disability regulations for Medicaid applicants who exceed the financial levels for their age under the program, and are only eligible for Medicaid if they are determined to be disabled for at least one year.