Erie County has made available various resources to residents who are at risk of experiencing, or have experienced, instances of domestic/sexual violence. As part of a newly constructed site through the Health Department, residents are able to have the options of calling, texting or having live chat with staff from the New York State Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline, or the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
Calling Option -- 1-800-942-6906 -- NY State; 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) -- National Domestic Violence Hotline
Text Option -- 844-997-2121 -- NY State; Text "START" 88788 -- National Domestic Violence Hotline
Live Chat -- Click Here to chat with a representative from NY State, 24/7; Click Here to chat with a representative from the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
To view the newly constructed site and its information, visit .
For more information on the Domestic Violence unit in Erie County, visit