Youth Bureau Mission: To serve youth and families through asset development and advocacy, prevention and intervention programs that strengthen families and communities.
810 East Ferry St., Buffalo, NY 14211
(P) (716) 923-4000
(F) (716) 893-7929
Welcome to the Erie County Youth Bureau! The ECYB annually grants funding to community based organizations providing positive youth development programs throughout Erie County. Funding agencies are selected through a competitive "Request for Proposal" (RFP) process. An agency's past performance, monitoring and performance measures are also taken into consideration. In addition, the ECYB enables local youth bureaus to be eligible for New York State aid to run youth service and recreation programs. Youth services are offered in the following funding categories:
- Youth Development Programs (YDPs).
- Runaway and Homeless Youth Agencies (RHYA).
- Summer Primetime Programs.
Each contacted agency/Local Youth Bureau is required to show performance measures. These measures provide data to display the quantitative and qualitative impact agencies are making in the lives of youth. In addition, all programs funded by the ECYB are monitored annually to ensure youth are receiving the highest level of quality programing available. These (typically) unannounced onsite monitoring visits are completed by the Program Planning Coordinator, the Director of the ECYB, and/or members of the Erie County Youth Board. Together these measures ensure the ECYB operates similarly to a highly functioning foundation.
The ECYB is also responsible for developing a Five Year Comprehensive Plan to identify youth needs throughout the county. That plan is then used to guide the ECYB in supporting agencies that provide programming to meet those needs identified in the Five Year Comprehensive Plan.
The ECYB has a volunteer advisory board that includes youth and adult community members. The members assist with reviewing, scoring and making allocation-recommendations for grant proposals submitted in response to Requests for Proposals from the ECYB. The Board members also assist with onsite monitoring of funded agencies and researching additional funding sources.
The Erie County Youth Bureau (ECYB) falls under the leadership of the Department of Social Services (ECDSS).
Also, Click Here for more information on to become a member of the Erie County Youth Board!
Youth Bureau - Forms
This section of the Youth Bureau website contains all forms required from contracted agencies and Local Youth Bureaus (Year Round and Summer Primetime) receiving funding from the Erie County Youth Bureau. In addition, we have included technical assistance documents in order to guide you through this process. Please see the Youth Bureau Calendar for a list of dates that forms are due. You can also find these forms and many others by visiting:
Erie County Youth Bureau: 2024-2025 Policy & Procedure Manual
Erie County Youth Bureau: 2024 By-Laws
Examples of Open- Source Program Evaluation + Assessment Tools
Revised Program Description & Program Contact Update Form
Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS)
- 3114 – Waiver of State Aid Eligibility
- 3125 - Program Expenditure Summary
- 3126 - PER - Salaries
- 3127 - PER - Fringe Benefits
- 3128 - PER - Contracted Services
- 3129 - PER - M&O and Facility Repairs
- 5001 - Agency Summary
- 5002 - Agency Program Profile
- 5003 - Individual Program Application
- Coding Document for NYS Touchstones
- 5005 – Program Budget (Appendix B)
- ECYB Request for Amendment
- Program Annual Report (YDP)
- Program Annual Report (Primetime)
Help with Forms & Background Information