Community Health Assessment (CHA) & Prevention Agenda
- Community Health Assessment (CHA) & Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) - a comprehensive review and analysis of health status indicators, public health, socioeconomic, demographic and other qualitative and quantitative data from the service area of Erie County, NY in alignment with the New York State Department of Health’s Prevention Agenda.
- NY State Prevention Agenda Dashboard - The Prevention Agenda is NY State’s health improvement plan, the blueprint for state and local action to improve the health and well-being of all New Yorkers and to promote health equity in all populations who experience disparities.
Chronic & Communicable Diseases
- Reportable Disease Statistics for Erie County
- Leading Causes of Death and Life Expectancy - NY State and county level data
- PLACES - includes estimates for 29 chronic disease related indicators at all 4 U.S. geographic levels: Counties, incorporated and census-designated places, census tracts, and ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs).
- Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan Dashboard - NY State level data that includes baseline data, objectives, and data for 43 tracking indicators from three Plan Priority Areas: Health Promotion & Cancer Prevention; Early Detection; and Survivorship.
Environmental Health
- Environmental Justice Dashboard - Explore maps and infographics to learn more about environmental pollutants and climate change in your county. These data can help you better understand populations at higher risk for environmental and health inequities.
Influenza (Flu)
- Erie County Weekly Flu Activity Report
- Influenza (Flu) Activity in NY State
- FluSurv-NET - Collects data on laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations among children and adults through a network of acute care hospitals in 14 states. FluSurv-NET also provides demographic and clinical information including age, sex and underlying medical conditions among persons hospitalized with flu. Data gathered are used to estimate age-specific hospitalization rates on a weekly basis and to describe characteristics of persons hospitalized with influenza illness.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
- RSV-NET Interactive Dashboard - The RSV-NET interactive dashboard can be used to follow trends and comparisons of RSV-associated hospitalizations in different demographic groups and across seasons.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
- STI Surveillance 2023 (Adolescents and Young Adults)
- HIV/AIDS Statistics in NY State
- 2023 NYS HIV Surveillance Data
- CDC’s 2022 HIV surveillance report
- CDC’s 2022 HIV surveillance report supplement 1 (Monitoring Selected National HIV Prevention and Care Objectives by Using HIV Surveillance Data United States and 6 Territories and Freely Associated States, 2022)
- CDC’s 2022 HIV surveillance report supplement 2 (Estimated HIV Incidence and Prevalence in the United States, 2018–2022)
- CDC STI surveillance reports and slides, STI treatment guidelines, and PrEP and Doxy PEP guidelines
- Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data summary & trends report 2013-2023
- STI Surveillance 2023 (Adolescents and Young Adults)
Substance Use & Harm Reduction
- Erie County Office of Harm Reduction Data
- Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Data Summary & Trends Report 2013-2023
Other Data
- HEALTHeWNY Data Dashboard - A comprehensive, publicly accessible platform designed to provide real-time data and insights into the health status of our WNY community.
- Open NY - NY State initiative of policies, programs and tools that provide public access to digital data for collaboration and analysis.
- Health Data NY - Explore the health data catalog and see health datasets, keywords, documentation and more.
- NYSDOH Data Dashboards - View key Department of Health dashboards, access downloadable datasets, and see the full A-Z list of data pages and reports.
- DataLumos - an ICPSR archive for valuable government data resources.
- - The Home of the U.S. Government's Open Data.
- Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) Data Summary & Trends Report 2013-2023