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Article 24 - Service Relationships with Local Municipalities - Charter

Section 2401. Local government functions, facilities and powers not transferred, altered or impaired.
  2402. Contracts with public corporations.

Section 2401. Local government functions, facilities and powers not transferred, altered or impaired. This Charter shall not transfer, alter or impair any function, facility or power of any city, town, village, school district or other district.

Section 2402. Contracts with public corporations. The County of Erie shall have power to contract with any municipality or public authority situated within or adjacent to the County, or with any combination of such municipalities or public authorities, for the establishment, maintenance and operation of any facility and the rendering of any service which each of the contracting parties would have legal authority to establish, maintain, operate or render for itself. A municipality or authority receiving the benefit of a facility or service provided under any such contract shall bear all the costs and expenses occasioned by the provision thereof for such municipality or authority, including but limited to a just proportional charge for central facilities and central or administrative services related thereto.

Article 24 was formerly numbered article 25, which was formerly numbered Article XXII.