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Community and Church Programs

Social Adult Day Service Program

Social Adult Day Services are a vital service that enables caregivers of elderly relatives to bring their loved ones to a place that will provide care while offering stimulating activities tailored to meet individual needs.

In order to help more people benefit from available day service programs, the Erie County Department of Senior Services may offer financial assistance to those who would otherwise be unable to attend. Such assistance is based on assessment of need and availability of program funds. 

To arrange an in-home assessment at no cost to you by a case manager who is trained to evaluate your financial options and to determine what other services may be available and helpful to you, call (716) 858-8526. 

Contract Agencies

Download the Erie County Adult Day Programs List

Aurora Adult Day Services (716) 652-4269
101 King Street, Suite B, East Aurora, NY 14052

Kaleida Services LLC, Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Adult Day Services at North Tonawanda DeGraff Medical Park (716) 243-7888
3780 Commerce Court, Suite 100, North Tonawanda, NY 14120

Lake Shore Family Center, Adult Day Program (716) 934-2353
749 Main Rd (Routes 5 & 20), Irving, NY 14081

Lord of Life Adult Day Services (716) 668-8000
1025 Borden Road, Depew, NY 14043

Orchid Adult Day (716) 264-4703

102 Broad St. Tonawanda, NY 14150

People Inc. Seniors Unlimited Adult Day Program (716) 768-2370
2635 Delaware Avenue, Suite A, Buffalo, NY 14216

Free Dementia Caregiver Respite

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