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Erie County Stormwater Management Program Documents

The following are documents and resources for the Western New York Stormwater Coalition member municipalities and are arranged for compliance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency Phase II Stormwater Minimum Control Measures.

U.S. EPA Phase II Rule Controls

1.  Public Education and Outreach

Educational Brochures for Target Businesses:

Additional Public Education Materials

2. Public Participation and Involvement

3.  Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)

4. Construction Site Runoff Control

Construction Site Inspection Training Materials

5.  Post-construction Site Runoff Control

6.  Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations

For information on the Coalition and how it is working to address the requirements of the Phase II Stormwater Rule, contact the Erie County Department of Environment and Planning at (716) 858-6370.
