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Franklin Gulf

  • forest hiking   hiking   hiking trails   snowshoeing
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Park Features

The following are prohibited on the Franklin Gulf property: camping, hunting, open fires, horseback riding, off-road bicycling and motorized vehicles are prohibited on the Franklin Gulf property. Dogs must be curbed and leashed at all times. Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry regulations apply.

The hours of operation are 7:00 AM- dusk.


There are great outdoor activities to experience in all seasons. Nature is at its finest, with its seemingly primitive wooded ravines, creeks, ledge outcroppings and waterfalls.


Recreation opportunities include forest hiking, wildlife viewing and trail explorations.


Winter sports enthusiasts and families can spice up the cold winter months with snow activities including snow shoeing and hiking.


Franklin Gulf Park is formerly known as Larkin Woods. It is a 631-acre undeveloped park that is bounded by Sandrock Road to the north, Larkin Road to the east and School Street to the south. The park is primarily a wooded area with creeks, ravines, waterfalls and ledge outcroppings. There is a parking area on Larkin Road, just before the North Collins Town Line.

Franklin Gulf Park is the winner of Buffalo Spree Magazine's The Best of WNY 2015: Most Beautiful Under-The-Radar Park award.

Facilities / Activities

  • Forest hiking, Hiking, Hiking Trails, Snowshoeing