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What is Case Management?  

Case Management is a comprehensive process that helps older persons (60+), and/or their caregivers, gain access to and coordinate appropriate services, benefits and entitlements. Case Management consists of assessment and reassessment, care planning, arranging for services, follow-up and monitoring at least every two months and discharge.  

Case Managers are staff who help you find the right answers, are knowledgeable about resources regarding all aspects of aging, they help sort through all possible options and will help apply for benefits and locate services in the community.  Funding for home care, home-delivered meals, emergency buttons, weatherization, and financial benefits are just some of the wide range of services available.

For more information about Case Management, or to be linked to a Case Manager, call NY Connects at (716) 858-8526.   This service is offered by Senior Services at no cost to clients and is the gateway to services that can support older people and their families who may be assisting in care.
