There are many factors people should consider when selecting a nursing home. Below are several links that might help you gather more information -
The New York State Health Facilities Association/New York State Center for Assisted Living (NYSHFA/NYSCAL) is a statewide membership organization of nearly 300 nursing homes in NYS.
The New York State Department of Health Nursing Home Information (NYSDOH NH Info)
The NYS Health Department website provides tips on finding a nursing home in New York State as well as the summary reports of state surveys conducted every 15 months to investigate the quality of care and life of residents.
The Medicare website also offers a way to compare local nursing homes. Nursing Home Compare is a tool to provide detailed information about the performance of every Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing home in the U.S. This website now includes the health deficiencies that have been cited as a result of investigations after complaints were filed.
Download a list of Nursing Homes in Erie County in PDF format
Also see Hospice Compare Online