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About the Department

The Erie County Department of Mental Health is comprised of two Divisions: the Division of Program Administration and the Division of Mental Health Forensic Clinics, which includes the Adult Forensic Mental Health Clinic and the Children's System of Care.

The Department of Mental Health plans, administers and coordinates a countywide integrated system of comprehensive community based mental health, developmental disability, chemical dependency, and children's system of care programs/services to address the treatment and recovery needs of at risk individuals. Services are provided on a contract basis by community based agencies, other County departments, or directly by the Department's Forensic Mental Health Division. In addition, the Department of Mental Health is the direct service provider in the Erie County Holding Center and the Erie County Correctional Facility.  

The Department receives state aid reimbursement for a percentage of the direct cost of programs and administration. It also is the recipient of a number of State and Federal grants that are used to supplement the operating budget and provide mental health, and substance use programs that, otherwise, could not be provided at the same level.


The Erie County Department of Mental Health provides administrative leadership and ensures the coordination of a community based behavioral health system that is accessible, comprehensive, cost effective, person centered and recovery focused for and accountable to its citizens. Our goal is to foster hope and recovery for recipients.


The Erie County Department of Mental Health will empower stakeholders to access behavioral health services that promote hope, recovery and improved quality of life.


The Department will be guided by the following key values:

  • Promoting choice, hope and independence
  • Fostering practices that work
  • Providing training and educational opportunities
  • Advocating for parity and inclusion
  • Ensuring collaborative partnerships with diverse stakeholders
  • Delivering cultural competence