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COVID-19 Resources

The Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is a disease caused by a new respiratory virus first identified in China and is now spreading worldwide. This disease can lead to fever, cough and shortness of breath. There are thousands of confirmed cases in a growing number of countries internationally and the virus is now spreading in the United States. There are ongoing investigations to learn more about this virus.

If you are looking for information about the virus and the most current information about what is happening here in Erie County, the Erie County Department of Health has a great website with information for the general public, healthcare providers, businesses, community organizations.

During this time, in addition to the care of our physical health we want to stress the importance of taking care of our mental health. The uncertainty of COVID-19 is causing heightened anxiety and fear for all of us. You are not alone!

COVID, Mental Health Back to School Resource for Parents

How to Help Someone Experiencing Emotional Distress

Stress and COVID-19 - helpful resource to understand how stress can be affecting you and where you can get help

Managing the Stress Associated with Coronavirus

Erie County Providers Step Up During COVID-19!

Our providers have been creating new ways for our community to get the help we might need to get through this very challenging time. Check out the list of services that might be helpful to you, your family, and the people you care about!  

The following links have information and resources by category - while most of these are from Erie County providers, we've also included some great New York State and National resources.

Erie County Providers Step Up - Mental Health

Erie County Providers Step Up - Substance Use & Addiction

Erie County Providers Step Up - Developmental Disabilities

Erie County Providers Step Up - Children & Families

Erie County Providers Step Up - Grief and Loss

Erie County Providers Step Up - Legal Services

Erie County Providers Step Up - Resources for Essential and Frontline Workers

Here are some other resources about the mental health aspect of this trying time:

New York State Office of Mental Health has provided New York Project Hope as part of the FEMA response to COVID-19 - free and confidential helpline to help you cope with COVID and stress.  Their hours are 8am - 10pm 7 days a week, please call: 1-844-863-9314, view their flyer or visit their website at


addiction graphic

Erie County Cares - COVID-19 and Your Mental Health

Managing Anxiety and Stress

Mental Health, Alcohol and Substance Use Treatment and Support Contact information for Erie County services

Need treatment for Addiction? Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, New Yorkers can get started on Medication-Assisted Treatment remotely at home including buprenorphine

With in person AA and NA meetings cancelled, there are online options available:

Other online resources to support people in recovery and their families

Child and Family Support Program Online Support Groups

There are many resources in Erie County that can be helpful during this time, for adults and children, This Community Resource Guide includes linkages to a variety of services such as addiction, crisis support, fitness, childcare, food banks, mental health, social support, crafts, and school support to name a few. Thanks to Mental Health Advocates for this resource: MHA Resource Guide During COVID-19

Other resources that may be helpful from SAMHSA:

Learn about how the pandemic is impacting our mental health and what you can do to manage stress: