In 2025, Camp Get-A-Way is expanding our ability to support families by beginning to offer on-going parent training and parent support groups statewide.
Parent Training. These training sessions will be available to parents virtually across New York State. They will occur via Zoom on the third Tuesday of each month, from 9am -11am, and cover various topics presented by professionals and parents. Please see the link listed below for specifics on dates, times, topics, and for a link to register. cgaw-2025-parent-training-outreach-letter.png
- Parent Support Group. This group will be available to parents virtually across New York State. It will occur via Zoom on the third Monday of each month, from 7pm-8:30pm, and discussions will be determined by participants. Please see link listed below for specifics on dates, times, topics, and for a link to register.
For even further details, please visit Camp Get-A-Way's website using this link: