Park Features
Boston Forest is a 701-acre undeveloped park that is bounded by Rice Road to the north, Feddick Road to the west and south and Zimmerman Road to the east. The park is a combination of woodlands and meadows. A number of nature trails are throughout the property. The NYS Snowmobile Trail passes through the park and is maintained by the WNY Snowmobile Association of Boston, Inc.
Hiking and trail exploration.
Horseback riding is permissible on approved trails May 1st- November 1st.
Snow shoeing, snowmobiling (on approved trails) and hiking.
Park Facilities
Camping, hunting, open fires, off-road bicycling and motorized vehicles are prohibited on the Boston Forest property. Dogs must be curbed and leashed at all times. Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry regulations apply.
The hours of operation are 7:00 AM- dusk.