Santa Land 2024
Saturday, December 14, 2024
10AM - 4PM
Chestnut Ridge Park Casino
Event Activities
- Visit Santa and Mrs. Claus!
- Hayrides around Chestnut Ridge Park
- Live Animals
- Holiday Face Painting and Glitter Tattoos
- Children's Crafts and Letters to Santa
- Park Ranger Education Exhibit
- Food Trucks
- Print your letter to Santa ahead of time and mail it in our magical mailbox! Click here to download the Letter to Santa template.
Parking and Transportation Information
- The main entrance and the Newton Road entrance will both be open. The Casino parking lot is the preferred parking lot but you may enter at Newton Road and park in the Newton lot or along the park road by the playground. Do not park on the grass.
- Do not park along Newton Road or Route 277.
- The Free NFTA Parks Adventure Bus and PAL service will once again be transporting people from the downtown bus station to the event.
- Come early and bring a smile and a little patience.
NFTA Parks Adventure Bus Information
The Parks Adventure Bus will be dropping off and picking up riders at the location designated by the yellow arrow on the map below. The bus stop offers convenient access to Santa's Workshop, visits with live reindeer, the City of Buffalo Animal Shelter adoption truck and Martin Lodge where Erie County Departments and services will be tabling.
In order to access the activities by the Casino, you will take a short hay wagon ride down the hill.
To get back up to the bus stop to catch your bus home, you will take the hay wagon back up the hill (or walk). The line for the hay wagon tends to be long, so please keep an eye on the time and plan accordingly. We recommend getting into line for the hay wagon ride back to Santa's Workshop about 45 minutes before the departure time of the bus. The bus stop is a short walk from the hay wagon stop.