Who, what, where and when!
When you have a complaint against a business, ask for the names of the people you dealt with. Make sure that you are reading the device or label properly. Ask for the address of the business. Check for the device identification/number. Retain all packaging and ask for a receipt.
Contact our bureau as soon as you discover the problem. If you phone us, you will be asked for specific information, as indicated below. This will enable our inspectors to accurately investigate your complaint. In all cases your name and phone number is important and confidential as it allows us to contact you with the results of our investigation.
Submit a Complaint electronically to the Bureau of Weights & Measures.
Gasoline Stations:
- Station name and/or brand
- Address or cross street and city
- Pump number and grade of gasoline
- Specific complaint information (i.e., pump registered a dollar amount before you squeezed the handle; price per gallon on sign is not the same as you were charged).
- Names of store personnel contacted
Short Weight Packages:
- Store name
- Full address
- Brand, stated weight, the product's description
- Specific complaint information
- Names of store personnel contacted
- Retain all the packaging and receipts
Scanner Overcharges:
- Store name
- Full address
- Specific complaint information (i.e., shelf price stated $1.50 and the store scanner charged you $1.75)
- Item purchased, including brand and size, as appropriate.
- UPC number on commodity
- Names of store personnel involved
- Business name
- Full address
- Specific complaint information (i.e., took in 10 lbs. of aluminum cans, but was only paid for 6 lbs; or they charged me for 3 lbs. of apples and I only received 2 lbs.)
- Type of material bought or sold
- Location of device at that establishment
Firewood and Topsoil:
- Business name
- Full address
- Phone Number
- Specific complaint (i.e., short delivery, poor quality)
- Receipt
- License plate number on delivery vehicle
If you have a different complaint against a business within Erie County, please fill out the Consumer Protection Complaint Form and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.