What is naloxone and is it the same as Narcan®?
Naloxone is the generic name for Narcan. When naloxone was first approved, its brand name was “Narcan.” There are now other brand names for naloxone.
Naloxone is a lifesaving, first-aid medication used to quickly reverse an opioid overdose. It works by blocking the effects of opioids by attaching to brain receptors that opioids use. Common opioids that can lead to an overdose include heroin, fentanyl, oxycodone, and morphine.
Naloxone won't harm someone if they're overdosing on drugs other than opioids, so it's always best to use it if you think someone is overdosing. This do no harm drug is often carried by first responders, healthcare professionals, individuals at risk of an opioid overdose, and many others. It is a lifesaving medication that should be part of your emergency kit.
What is an opioid emergency or overdose?
Opioids can cause a person’s breathing to slow or even stop - this is considered an overdose. All opioids put people at risk.
In an overdose, naloxone is given intranasally (in the nose). It can also be given intravenously (in veins) and intramuscularly (in muscles). Naloxone takes about 2-5 minutes to begin working and may require more than one dose. The effects of naloxone last for between 30-90 minutes, and often lead to withdrawal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, agitation, and muscle aches.
In case of an overdose follow these steps:
- Call 911. The NY State 911 Good Samaritan Law protects anyone calling 911 to save a life, even if drugs are present.
- Follow the 911 call taker's instructions.
- Give naloxone.
- If there is no reaction in 3 minutes, give second dose. If the person is still unresponsive after the 2nd dose, start CRR if you know how. If you don't know CPR, then lay them on their side and wait for help.
- Stay with the person until help arrives. Make sure the person does not take more opioids even if they feel sick.
It is important to call 911 during a suspected overdose. The effects of the opioids can outlast the naloxone.
Where can I get free naloxone/Narcan, fentanyl test strips, xylazine test strips, and other harm reduction supplies?
The Erie County Department of Health (ECDOH) offers many ways to get naloxone and other harm reduction supplies for free.
Please note that the ECDOH can only send supplies to addresses in Western New York.
Call: 716-858-7695
Text: 716-225-5473
Email: harm.reduction@erie.gov
Please allow 5-7 business days for above orders to be processed.
- 1st Floor Lobby at the Rath Building, 95 Franklin St, Buffalo, NY 14202
- Harm Reduction OPEN (Overdose Prevention, Education, & Narcan) Stands - OPEN stands allow public access to free harm reduction supplies, including Narcan and fentanyl test strips.
- Narcan Community Access Sites

Other organizations that offer free harm reduction supplies
- NY State OASAS harm reduction supplies
- MATTERS harm reduction supplies
- MATTERS harm reduction vending machines
Can I get trained in Narcan/naloxone?
Yes! The ECDOH offers free in-person and virtual naloxone training. Participants receive a certificate of completion in opioid overdose prevention and an emergency kit with two doses of naloxone. We also have other harm reduction supplies like fentanyl and xylazine test strips and many resources.
Virtual and in-person training
Join us in making a difference, be prepared to help in an emergency, and learn about:
- Principles of harm reduction
- Causes and effects of opioid use disorder
- Impact of the opioid epidemic in Erie County today
- Signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose
- Administering naloxone to reverse an opioid overdose
- Reporting and follow-up procedures
- Good Samaritan Law
- Emergency Services Addiction Program (ESAP) and Syringe Exchange Program (SEP)
- Peer navigation and treatment support
Virtual and in-person training dates, times, and registration
On-the-spot training
Training for businesses/organizations/groups
Give yourself and your team the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in opioid emergencies. Together, we can make a positive impact and save lives!
Training of Trainers (ToT)
ToT is very similar to our traditional opioid overdose recognition and Narcan administration training, however this one is designed to prepare attendees to become trainers themselves.
Trainings for professionals
Previously recorded trainings:
How and when to use Narcan
Related information
- Peer Navigation & Treatment Support
- Harm Reduction Resources
- Harm Reduction Data
- Cannabis
- Medication Disposal & Needle Access/Disposal
- Erie County Overdose Prevention Task Force
- Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) Program
- Harm Reduction Text Line Privacy Policy
- Harm Reduction Text Line Terms & Conditions