About the CYSHCN Program
CYSHCN pronounced "shin"
The Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs (CYSHCN) Program seeks to improve the coordination of care for children and youth who have special health care needs.
If you need help finding services, doctors, or making referrals to community programs, please contact us for more information. A diagnosis is NOT required.
How CYSHCN Can Help?
- Matching families with community resources and referring to community programs
- Advocacy with health care providers and school districts
- Linkage to medical providers and specialists
- Support and play groups
- Transportation services
- Translation and interpretation services
- Transition to adult services
- And more!
Who is Eligible for Support?
A diagnosis is NOT required.
- Infants, children and youth up to 21 years old who live in Erie County
- Infants, children and youth who have a serious or chronic medical, physical, behavioral, emotional or developmental condition
Who Can Apply for CYSHCN?
- Parents and caregivers
- Friends and family members of infants, children and youth up to 21 years old
- Personnel from local schools
- Medical providers
- Youth 18-21 years old can apply on their own
Program Pamphlets
CYSHCN in the Media
- Podcast: Featuring Evanna Ramos, CYSHCN Program Director: Coordinating Care for Erie County Kids | County Conversations (podbean.com)
- Article: Equity Bridges Connection to Health
Related Programs and Information
- Erie Path App - find mental and behavioral help for children and adolescents
- Early Intervention Program
- Harm Reduction & Substance Use
- Peer Navigation
Contact Us
Children & Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN)
Erie County Department of Health
95 Franklin Street
Buffalo, NY 14202
Phone: (716) 858-1920
Fax: (716) 858-7425
Email: healthequity@erie.gov